Wednesday 6 April 2011

Day 15 - 11.23am

I feel like doing more appreciation work.

The reason I like being with Him is because he's fun, yet also he has a serious side. I can learn lots from both. I love learning more about him and certainly haven't finished uncovering this multi faceted being. He suprises more and more each day and actually he goes very deep (even though he doesn't show it). I can understand and appreciate why he chooses to appear emotionless so that he can remain cool in order to get the job in hand done. His job is very demanding and requires large amounts of brain power, focus and concerntration. I really admire this about him. I love it when he lets his hair down and acts all goofy. It's lovely to see him relaxing and letting go (even though sometimes I have no idea what he's on about). Underneath it all, his feelings run deep and when he does want to be romantic, he doesn't do it by halves! (Pandora bracelt here we come!) He also had very high standards in everything that he does, which bodes well for me! Since I am the girl he's with.

Tomorrow, during my blog I will imagine what it feels like to wear a Pandora Bracelet (just for the fun of it)!

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