Tuesday 5 April 2011

Day 14 - 8.21am

Time to try something new.... According to Abraham Hicks, you can parlay yourself into a better feeling place. Here goes....

I appreciate everything. The good the bad and the ugly. I love the way things always turn out for the best. I love the way life has a way of sorting stuff out. There really is no need to worry. I am in awe of this amazing relationship I am in and the way it is helping me to uncover the truth about who I really am. I am trying not to be afraid anymore. I am observing myself with a keen eye. I am fascinated by what I see and it doesn't really matter if I don't like what I see at times. Things really aren't always that bad, perhaps they are just worse in my head...if I just relax a little and take life a little easier without putting too many demands on myself to be superhuman and superwoman, then life would just flow better... this I know. There would be more hours in the day if I just took life a little slower... ahhhhh this feels good. No need to hurry, no need to stress. He always says this to me.... 'just relax! Everything is ok, I'm here, I'm not going anywhere'... that's comforting to me. I feel happy that I'm discovering my own power. Even though it's difficult for me sometimes, I am learning that speaking up and acting positivly is not a bad thing. It lets people know how I feel and where they stand. I like to know where I stand with people so why shouldn't the opposite be true. I've always pussy footed around people before, not wanting to upset the apple cart, but with recent events, I've had to stand my ground more. I've always thought this to be unspiritual, but actually it's an act of self love.

To me it feels much nicer to act from a place of compassion rather than neediness. I know that the Universe always fully supports me and all I have to do is turn my attention thoes things I want, without the feeling of the lack of them in my life and things that I want flow to me. Therefore, there is no need to be needy. Being needy means that I don't trust the Universe and I do.

The answer is always the same, distract myself, talk myself out of, just relax before I decend down the emotional scale towards anger, rage and indignation! There's always another explanation... there's always another side to the story. Even though I have really nasty thoughts sometimes, I know that they are not really me, they are a mere aspect of me which is pliable and can be easily massaged into something more positive. It's just passion at the end of day whether expressed via anger or joy.

Right now, I appreciate him so much. I admire him. He inspires me and believes in me. When he goes to his cave I may not like it but I accept it and in any case, it gives me the opportunity to either speak up and ask for a little attention (facing one of my fears....rejection...of course there is no rejection) or just do some stuff of my own. (I've taken to laying on his bed reading my bike mags or practising my Italian while he is playing World of Warcraft. That game is so complex and detailed it turns me on knowing that he's so brainy!)

Phew ok... this feels good....I'm going to try and keep on this positive path as much as possible... just because it feels good.

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