Wednesday 6 April 2011

Day 15 10.55am

Three miracles happened yesterday on account of my new found positivity. I went to see one of my lovely girlfriends/associates and I was complaining about how my private teaching work had dried up and that I was considering doing a beauty therapy job part time to supplement my income. Although I would have done it to make ends meet, the prospect didn't fill me huge amounts of joy. Anyway, we were disucssing things and she asked me the question, 'what is it you love about teaching?'. Using my new skills, I parlayed myself into such a good feeling place about teaching that my head was buzzing and I felt like I could burst into tears with pride and satisfaction. I said to her, won't it be interesting to see what happens now. At 3.43pm I recieved an email from a school in Manchester looking for a dynamic, young and experienced vocal coach! I have just been on the phone to them and the job is perfect for me. It will stretch me but that's what I want. I know I am capable and it's time to believe in myself again. I feel amazing to think that I am the creator of everything in my life and all I have to do is talk myself into a better feeling place.

Miracle number two. I was in a good mood yesterday and He was too when he got in from work. His bosses had acknowledged the hard work he had been doing and he'd been told that they wanted him to stay until June. Good news all round. He's loving his job, I get him for a few months longer along with all the perks that brings (extra cash, sex and company). He even went shopping for me the other night and came back with a cute little basket of flowers. (wow).

I've realised that when I clean up my energy and raise my vibration the law of attraction can only bring into my experience that which matches me. So my taking responsibility for my own mood, I literally bring out the best in Him (and everyone else).

He was pooped last night and fell into bed. I pottered around for a bit then climbed in with him. He was restless but fell asleep and so did I. Miracle number three. He woke me up 30 mins later with a raging hardon in my back! That's never happened before! It's mostly always me initiating sex. Even he was suprised! He thought I had been playing with his cock in his sleep, but no, I was just carelessly drifting off. It's amazing what happens when you just relax! If it was good enough for Frankie Goes To Hollywood.... you know the rest.

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